Friday, August 29, 2008

What to Blog About?

There seems to be a stereotype out there, that men don't like to blog. For those very few of us that actually do take up blogging, its been said that we only write about certain topics. Men will only blog about their business, technology, sports, politics and "women hating." Is that true? Is that all men have to offer to the blogging world? Would people actually be interested in hearing more from us? Do they want to hear about the day and a life of a bachelor? What about a Dad blogging about his family activities/adventures? How about the internal thoughts and struggles that a man faces in his life?

What do you Blog about, and why?

Do you have one of these Blogs:
  • Political Blog
  • Business related (i.e., marketing your business) Blog
  • Technology Blog
  • Sports Blog
  • Daddy Blog
  • Family Blog
  • Bachelor Blog
  • Personal Blog
  • Revealing Blog

If your Blog doesn't fit into one of these categories, we'd love to hear what it is about. Also, please tell us what got you into blogging, and what keeps you blogging?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Men that Blog

Have you ever secretly logged into your wife/girlfriend/significant other's e-mail address so that you could check out a blog, or comment on someone's post?

Do you even know how to create a post, or comment?

Have you caught yourself in the middle of the day saying "I should blog about this!"?

Well this blog is for YOU!

I hope this blog becomes a hangout for Men that Blog, where we can come to blog about our lives, interests, hobbies, ideas and futures! Let's not let everyone else have all the fun! We can show our creative sides too, and have a place to share it with other guys who like to blog!

Feel free to share your ideas of what you would like to see on this blog, so that we can incorporate everyone's interests. I am open to any and all ideas! Just leave a comment, and we'll talk about it.

You can also contact me by e-mailing me at:

Let's make this the most popular blog out there!

Men that Blog